TASHA // 19 // UK

Just a little corner of the web written by me, Tasha, where I ramble on about my love for fashion, photography and lifestyle. 

I'm an aspiring photographer, interested in a career in fashion communication. This is the perfect place to share my passion and creativity. Please have a little scroll and I hope you like what you see. 

Love from Tasha x

[This blog was born on the 2nd January 2014]


  1. Do you use google reader? I followed you on that :)

    1. no I'm not sure what that is! and thanks :) x

  2. Hi, Tasha. :) I like your blog, so I'm following...and, I'm a dreamer, so, yeah. <3 Keep posting!
    Tane ♥

  3. Hey Tasha.I am Melisange, i'm 13 years old and I'm a fashion blogger from France and I am recently a part of the program TeenVogue Fashion click. I am nevertheless in the course of approbation. I was a little fed up with it of this routine. I decided to create a new concept. I am soon going to create a blog and I wish to share it in two with a girl in Paris (thus I) and a girl in another country. This is why I "spread an announcement " for the girls who would be interested.

    I suggest in a sense merging our blogs both to create only the only one. Create a blog of which we shall be both the authors. With two styles different. Yours is mine. A Parisian girl and a girl of an another country.

    Are you always interested? It is necessary to know that it is a great adventure to be a blogger it leads to the full of meetings, invitations in Fashion Week if our blog becomes a little known. It will also be necessary to be in the current events of the fashion. It has been one and a half year since I am a blogger and that was only of the happiness.

    Here is a link where you can better understand my blog, I think : http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=fr&sl=fr&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Ftoomelicious.wordpress.com%2F

    Meli (http.toomelicious.wordpress.com )
    From Paris with love. Contact me at: toomelicious@gmail.com


thank you for reading, I appreciate your comments so much x
